AOCCNJ Group Ride Guidelines & Etiquette
- Riders must register for the ride on the club’s web site before the ride.
- Some rides will have a limit to the number of riders allowed to participate.
- Some rides will have a wait-list. If you register for a ride but later decide you can't attend, please CANCEL your registration so someone from the wait list can have that slot.
- Register for the ride in advance, at least the day before. This way the Ride Leader knows who is coming so they can alert you to any changes.
- For off-road mountain bike rides, all riders attending MUST sign an ADDITIONAL waiver for EVERY off-road ride they attend. The waivers will be signed electronically when you register for the ride.
Start Time & Cancellations:
- Arrive 15 minutes before start time. Rides leave on time.
- Always check your email and the Event Calendar before leaving for a ride. If a ride needs to be cancelled for any reason, you will be emailed a Cancellation Notice and it will be marked as CANCELED on the calendar. If any details of the ride change (such as a later start for weather) this will also be emailed to you and changed on the Event Calendar.
- If a cancelled ride is rescheduled, your registration will NOT be carried forward. You'll have to register again.
Equipment and Club Requirements:
- Riders must register for the ride in the event on the club’s web site before the ride.
- All riders must wear a helmet.
- Please check the condition of your bike, particularly the tires and brakes, before the start of each ride.
- Club members only on AOCCNJ group rides.
- One of our rides, Group Riding 101, is an instructional ride intended for beginners and is open to non-member riders. Non-members will only be allowed by our insurance rules to participate in one ride. After one ride the rider must become a club member to participate in additional group rides.
- It is up to the individual Ride Leaders if they allow TT/Tri bikes fitted with aero bars on their ride. If they are allowed, it will be specified in the ride's Event page.
- If you are on a TT/Tri bike fitted with aero bars, you are NOT allowed to use the aero bars during a club ride.
- E-Bikes are permitted on C-paced and D paced rides only, and it's up to the individual ride leader if E-bikes are allowed on their ride or not. If allowed, it will be specified in the ride's Event page.
- E-bikes are restricted to Class-1 e-bikes only! Class 1 e-bikes are Pedal-assisted only with NO throttle and have a Maximum assisted speed of 20 mph.
- Carry cell phone, ID, medical insurance card and a small amount of cash.
- Carry flat changing tools, a pump or co2, and be prepared to repair the tire on your own if necessary.
- Carry water and food for the ride. Longer rides may stop for supplies as conditions demand.
- Be predictable. Please hold a steady line as you ride and signal any changes in your line or speed to others in the group.
- Stop at all red lights and do not advance until they change to green. Stay to the right side of the road during a stop and don’t block motor vehicles behind you.
- Full stop at all stop signs.
- Use arm signals to indicate turning or stopping.
- Do not overlap wheels.
- Announce hazards. Signal by hand is always preferred over calling out so riders can then “see” where the hazard is. If you come upon an unexpected hazard do not swerve around it but ride through the hazard. Swerving creates danger and panic behind you.
- Yellow line rule. Never ride on the wrong side of the yellow line.
- Call out approaching motor vehicles if you’re in the back of the group. In the front, especially on roads with curves call out approaching motor vehicles.
- Peeling off. Please let the ride leader know if you are dropping out of the group mid-ride.
- If injured on a ride or if you crash, please inform the ride leader. Don’t assume you and your bike are ok. Step off the bike for a moment to access your condition and the condition of your bike. Please stay to the side of the road during this assessment.
- Ride as far to the right as is safe and practical. Never ride more than two abreast and single up when motor vehicle traffic is present to avoid obstructing traffic.
Routes & Ride Levels:
- If you’re new to group rides, please attend our Group Riding 101 - Intro to Group Riding Training session held the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month from April through August.
- Rides posted on our Event Calendar will include links to the route in the club’s Ride w/GPS account. Become familiar with the route, download to a GPS device if possible or carry a cue sheet of the route.
- Rides will be assigned ride levels. Our ride levels are defined here: Ride Levels.
- Our ride schedule listing each scheduled ride’s level and a table defining the levels are posted here: AOCCNJ Ride Schedule
- Just because a ride is on the schedule, does not mean it’s actually happening that week! All ride leaders are volunteers and have lives outside of the club. You need to check the Event Calendar for the ride announcements posted by the ride leaders.
- Select a ride at a level equal to your ability. For a new group rider, it is suggested on your first ride that you ride down one level below where you think your ability is.
- No drop rides will regroup several times during the ride. The leader will make the group aware of meeting points during the ride.
- Drop rides. There are a limited number of these but be aware when on a drop ride it is possible to be left solo. In the case of being dropped it is essential to know the route or the way back to the start point. It is also essential to have the equipment to repair a flat on your own.
Be courteous:
- To motor vehicle traffic.
- To pedestrians.
- To other cyclists.
- Set a good example on the road while wearing the AOCCNJ colors! Wave and smile, you’re on a bike ride!